Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last night a bunch of Bethany students headed over to Apohoqui for the Atlantic concert. Apohoqui is about 10 minutes away, if that, but it always very nice to get off campus. The concert was a good time of worship and  it was nice to see friends again. After the concert some of us went out to Subway and had some fellowship there.

 There was a group of townie kids there and my heart broke for them. There was young kids, around 11 years old smoking, and many of them looked like they were under the influence of some sort of alcohol or drugs. They were all just loitering in subway, cussing, smoking and being really loud. At first I questioned there presence there, but then realized that it was better they were there than somewhere else. The sad thing is that this isnt just the picture of a few of the Sussex kids, but the wide majority of them. My heart breaks for their insecurities and broken hearts. I pray that God has touches their lives through many of the students here.

Today we went back to Apohoqui for church because it looked really different than Sussex  Wesleyan and we wanted a change. The service was really nice; Atlantic played the worship and then the pastor spoke on a guilt free life. It was a good service, but I want to go back on a normal week to see what its like then.

Right now I am sitting in the back staircase of JP watching my friend Libby get her haircut into the latest fashion inspired by Rihanna. :) Amanda and I often cut hair, and its really fun. 

Midterms this week. Keep us in your prayers :)