Monday, November 24, 2008

Walkin in a winter wonderland!

Lot's of snow here! We probably have about a foot or so. The pic was taken the on Saturday night after it had been snowing for probably 12 or more hours! There have been kids on Prez's hill (the hill that goes down from President Medder's house) everyday since this big snow fall. Some of the girls and I also enjoyed the hill with some industrial size garbage bags! :) Make your own fun I guess, we are definitely good at it!!

Thursday is American Thanksgiving! :( The American girls that I hang out with and I were talking all about Thanksgiving; the big paper, waking up in the morning to the smell of turkey, watching the parade, and Black Friday. We are all so sad that we are going to miss it! We are having our own celebration consisting of spending the whole day in the lounge watching the parade, making breakfast, ordering pizza and hanging out. In the evening the school does a Thanksgiving like dinner, which won't be the same of course, but it will be nice! It will be a good day, but different I am sure, my thoughts will definitely be 1000 miles away.

Please pray for me. The last couple of weeks have been extremely rough and I nearly reached my limit this weekend. In such a small school girl drama runs wild and is hard to escape, I am not one that enjoys that scene and it really takes a large toll on me. I am trying to find joy in everyday and I have been reminding myself that everyday is a gift from God, and nothing can bring me down unless I choose for it to. It just gets rough when things are weighing on you heavily for an extended period of time. Break will definitely be a great reliever of that stress.

18 days until I come home! I am so excited! There is so much to look forward to when I am home! My roommate and I have a countdown in our room and are both eagerly anticipating when we get to go home. It will be a good time :)

Well, I am out. Have a lovely evening/day/ect.

Love you all.


Amanda said...

i'm in Ontario and we are getting some snow too. No snow days though